Thursday, September 11, 2008

Pan Release (Better Than Pam Spray)

I found this recipe over at RecipeZaar and it has been a lifesaver! I absolutely love that just by adding cocoa I have a "chocolate" pan release that doesn't leave a white residue on my chocolate cakes! I made one of each and store them for baking.


* 1/2 cup corn oil or canola oil or vegetable oil
* 1/2 cup vegetable shortening, room temperature (Crisco shortening is good)
* 1/2 cup all-purpose flour


1. Place all ingredients in a mixing bowl.
2. Using an electric mixer beat until mixture has increased in volume slightly and resembles marshmallow cream.
3. Place in a container with a lid and store on the counter or in a cupboard (in hot weather it may be refrigerated).
4. The mixture tends to separate slightly upon sitting in your cupboard or refrigerator so mix before using, then brush pans using a pastry brush or a clean paper towel.

** For baking recipes using chocolate you may use 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder in place of white flour or 1/4 cup each cocoa powder and flour.


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