Saturday, February 21, 2009

Seared Sea Scallops and Gouda Mashed Potatoes

Large sea scallops are a food that I don’t make, well, ever. In the heartland they are quite expensive and when I have made them I haven’t been please with the results. But, since we are residing just outside Boston for a couple of months, I thought I would give them another try. These turned out so yummy I will have to splurge once in a while when we get back home!

I think I figured out my problem. 1) I am an impatient cook. Large sea scallops need 3 minutes per side to cook. And they need to be left alone! And 2) I’m not sure that my stove at home gets hot enough. Or I didn’t let my oil heat enough. Again with the impatient cook thing…

The scallops themselves are very simple; the potatoes need to be prepared the night before and refrigerated at least 8 hours before cooking.

Seared Sea Scallops and Gouda Mashed Potatoes

This “Day Before Mashed Potato” recipe came out of Reader’s Digest… I’m not sure when. I made some additions due to my family’s preferences.

9 potatoes, peeled & cubed
6 oz. cream cheese (use 4 if your potatoes are small)
1 c sour cream (use ¾ c if your potatoes are small)
2 t onion powder (I used onion flakes)
1 t salt
¼ t ground black pepper
2 T butter (I omitted this as there was plenty of fat with the cream cheese & sour cream)

I also added 1-2 cloves minced garlic and ¼ c shredded Gouda. Cheddar or Gruyere would also be yummy…

Boil a potatoes 15 minutes until tender but firm. Drain and put in large dish to mash. When smooth add remaining ingredients.

Cover and refrigerate 8 hours or overnight. To warm heat oven to 350 ยบ F. Lightly grease a medium baking dish, spread mixture into dish and bake about 30 minutes.

The Pan Seared Scallops recipe is pretty basic. I found this one in Martha Stewart Living.

1 lb sea scallops (this is about 10)
Coarse salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste
Extra virgin olive oil
1 lemon, cut into wedges (optional)

Pat scallops dry with paper towels and season with salt & pepper. Heat 1 T oil in a skillet over medium-high heat (I would use high if your stove is electric, medium high if it is gas.) Add half the scallops to skillet and cook, flipping once until golden brown and cooked through, about 3 minutes each side. Repeat with remaining scallops adding more oil as needed. Serve immediately with lemon wedges on the side, if desired.

Monday, February 9, 2009

My Favorite Recipes for Valentines Day

I don't believe in going out for Valentine's Day. Crowded restaurants, rude waitstaff who would rather be with their loved ones and slow service. Ugh. So here are a few of my favorite recipes for a wonderful Valentine's Dinner for you and your loved ones.

Why not enjoy a lovely pink champagne drink? These Ruby Sippers are delightful.
If you're serving kids just use the cranberry mix in a bit of Sprite and serve in a champagne flute.

Bacon Wrapped ShrimpAppetizers
In my world no meal is great without an appetizer. These Bacon Wrapped Shrimp are always popular in my house.
And who doesn't love melted cheese? This Fresh Herb Fondue is one of our favorites.

Fab Food Friday 049Main Dishes
If you're idea of a great dinner is a steak make it just like they do in a great steakhouse.
If you enjoy chicken you'll love this Parmesan Crusted Chicken recipe.

Fab Food Friday 073Desserts
Cheesecake good. Snicker's Cheesecake better.
For an easy treat make this amazing Chocolate Truffle Torte.
If you want individual goodies these Molten Chocolate Cakes are better than a restaurant.

If you want to give chocolate why not make these easy & tasty truffles?

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