Chicken Fajitas in the Microwave
Fajitas are a relatively easy dish to make- if you want to fire up the grill. So we rarely made them outside of the summer months.
A couple years ago my sister in law began selling Pampered Chef products and I bought the Deep Covered Baker for its versatility. Besides, who doesn’t love Pampered Chef? Anyway… I got the following recipe for chicken fajitas that can be made in the microwave in 15 minutes. Including prep time you’ve got dinner in less than 30 minutes. And it’s really good!
2 medium onions
1 red bell pepper
1 green bell pepper
4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
2 T Chipotle rub (or fajita seasoning)
1 pkg fajita tortillas
8 oz sour cream
8 oz block or shredded cheese
Slice onions and peppers; place in bottom of deep covered baker. Sprinkle with 1 T chipotle rub.
Sprinkle remaining chipotle rub on both sides of chicken and place chicken breasts on top of vegetables. Cover and microwave for 12-15 minutes.
Meanwhile, wrap tortillas in foil and put in oven to warm at 250° (or place on microwave safe plate with damp paper towels and heat for about a minute).
When the chicken is done remove peppers and onions to a separate bowl and chop the chicken- leave it in the broth.
Serve with sour cream, cheese and your favorite fajita toppings.
*Obviously you would use the same ingredients if you want to grill your fajitas. The vegetables will take less time, or use indirect heat on them. I really like a BBQ grill basket for veggies.
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