Thursday, March 13, 2008

Boxty (Irish Potato Griddle Cakes)

Boxty on the griddle
Boxty in a pan
If you can't make boxty
You'll never get a man

So goes an old Irish saying. I think it is because boxty is actually so easy to make that if you can't make it then you probably can't cook a bit and no man wants a woman who can't cook. Remember, this was in the days before take-out...

I got this recipe from The Little Big Book of Ireland, a book of all things Irish (so, of course, it's on my shelf!)


Fab Food Friday 087

2 c grated raw potatoes
2 c leftover mashed potatoes
2 c all purpose flour
2 t baking powder
2 t salt
Ground pepper to taste
2 eggs, beaten
1/4 to 1/2 c milk (more or less as needed)
1 T butter or oil (more or less as needed)

Mix together the raw and mashed potatoes.

Sift together the flour, baking powder, salt and pepper, then add the potatoes. Stir in beaten eggs, mixing thoroughly.

Add the milk until it makes a batter.

Drop by the tablespoon full onto a hot buttered or oiled frying pan and cook over moderate heat until browned.

**Boxty is incredibly versatile. With these small boxty you can serve them buttered and sprinkled with cinnamon/sugar, jam or applesauce. I like to use them with stew.

You can also make these large, like a tortilla (make the batter very thin) and fill with about anything.


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