Friday, March 21, 2008

Crescent Leftovers

How is it that Easter is this weekend? Doesn't it seem early to you?

Well, whenever Easter falls it is inevitable that you will have leftovers. Here's an idea for what to do with them.

Leftover Crescents

Fab Food Friday 061

This recipe was sent to my by my cousin's wife, Jenn who says she got it from Pillsbury and modified theri version just a bit. She says it's great for leftovers or those days when you have little brain power. I have to agree.

1 can of crescent rolls
8 slices of ham or whatever meat you have leftover
8 slices of cheese or we use cheese spread that is left over or even from a cheese ball
spicy mustard or whatever condiments left over

preheat to 350*. Roll out to triangle add ham, cheese, mustard and anything else you please and roll into triangle shape. Put on an ungreased baking sheet for 10 to 15 minutes til golden brown and serve warm with soup.

**Of course you can buy sandwich meats and cheese spread and make this for a quick lunch, a brunch or as an appetizer. Really very versatile.

**Another thing to do is buy biscuits. Press biscuits flat (or roll), add your ingredients to half the circle and fold over. Press edges closed with fork.


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