Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Let Me Introduce You To: Laine's Babies

With Christmas baking galloping toward us at full speed Brenna was thrilled when I told her that Elaine from Laine's Babies had set her up with her very own apron and chef's hat- perfect for keeping clean and keeping her hair out of her face while we make those yummy truffles for her teachers!

This adorable apron has a gingerbread theme and three pockets for essential cooking items. The chef's hat has an elastic band at the back so it will fit a child's head... or even an adult's! (Yes, I tried it on! I'm not sure if Brenna's head is big or if mine is small...)

Your little chef will feel so grown up and professional! This is a great gift for your kitchen helper!

And best of all Laine's Babies items are washable, affordable (aprons begin at $7 and chef's hats at $5) and completely customizable (for special orders just contact Elaine and let her know what you're looking for- she'll create just what you desire!)

I can guarantee that this apron and hat will be seeing a lot of use- I know a little girl whose aunt bought her an Easy Bake Oven for Christmas...


The Fritz Facts

How adorable is Brenna!! I love it. I wish Boo liked to bake more, or would be willing to wear that. Maybe if I just get one she idea at least.

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