Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Dimplex PowerChef Electric Grills

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Dimplex North America Limited. All opinions are 100% mine.

One of my favorite things about nice weather is the fact that we can grill. And we grill practically everything: meat, fish, vegetables, pizza… Even some fruits.

Doug is the master griller in our house. He is also a die-hard charcoal grill fanatic. Which is fine as he does the majority of all of the grilling. Because I can’t grill on charcoal. I can’t light it right, I can’t get the heat right, and my charcoal grilled food is inedible.


If you’re like me or you can’t have a gas or charcoal grill where you live the Dimplex PowerChef Electric Grills may be right for you. They have small counter top varieties, large free-standing grills and even some that can be wall mounted.

I am especially impressed with the “cheater” technology that produces perfectly cooked food every time. Apparently you can program the grill to the type of food, thickness and level of doneness you desire and the grill will tell you when to flip and when it is done. There is even a “favorite recipe” setting. Nice. Watch this video to learn more.

After searching the website North American distribution seems widespread and there are many online distributors as well. Grill prices begin around $400.

Visit my sponsor: Dimplex PowerChef Electric Grills


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